December 30, 2009

Ringing in the New Year in Color!

This photo of Cameron Diaz at the Met's Costume Institute Gala went straight into the inspiration file the first time I saw it. The color combination is so vibrant and striking.

I was reminded of this photo when I picked up this gorgeous Amrita Singh bracelet as a little Christmas gift to myself a few weeks back. I'll be pairing it with a similar colored dress to conjure up a little Cameron tomorrow night.

With Pantone declaring turquoise the color of 2010, what better way to ring in the new year then rocking my new bling!

Better yet, according to Pantone turquoise is "believed to be a protective talisman, a color of deep compassion and healing, and a color of faith and truth, inspired by water and sky. Through years of color word-association studies, we also find that Turquoise represents an escape to many – taking them to a tropical paradise that is pleasant and inviting, even if only a fantasy.”

Based on that description, I can't think of a better color to welcome in the New Year! Happy New Year to you and yours!


  1. That was one of my favorite looks too - love it!

  2. Gorgeous dress! Love the turquoise with it, and your new bracelet is fabulous. Happy New Year!

  3. that's one of my favorite color combos as well... always trying to imitate it, especially in summer. AND I just bought the earring that match that bracelet from South Moon Under with the very same idea in mind! Happy New Year :)

  4. I love turquoise! Am constantly amazed, too, at how many colors it complements and vice versa!

  5. That dress was (and still is!) stunning, the color is gorgeous. And you know we love our turquoise!

    Sending you wishes for a fabulous New Year Miss Starfish!

  6. Yes ma'am, I love that dress and turquoise!


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